School Uniform
We have two uniform providers, Pinders and My Clothing. To purchase uniform from these providers please click on the links provided or visit the quicklinks button across from our school logo.
Preloved Uniform
If you have any preloved uniform which your child no longer requires and you would like to pass on to other students, including PE kit and plain black trousers, shorts or skirts then we would really appreciate donations. Please send your preloved, washed uniform to main reception, in a bag marked 'Preloved Uniform' where we can ensure it gets to other students who need it.
If you would like to request preloved uniform for your child, please send an email to: with details of their size and their name and we will do our best to allocate the uniform we have, delivering it to them in a discrete way in school, as we would other uniform orders direct from the suppliers.
Families will be asked for a small voluntary donation of between 50p to a £1 to cover washing and packaging etc.