Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity are at the heart of everything we do at Tapton School. Our ethos of valuing everyone and caring for each other underpins everything that happens in our school. We recognise that our strength lies in our diversity and we strive to celebrate our differences without apology. We want all people with protected characteristics to see Tapton as an active ally with an unwavering openness to listen and learn whilst teaching ourselves and others at the same time.
We ensure that all students are aware of the 9 protected characteristics of age, disability, transgender, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex, and sexual orientation. Students are taught about the protected characteristics across the curriculum and there is a particular focus in certain areas such as in Personal Development and Form Time allowing the teaching of protected characteristics to be age-appropriate and relevant to all students.
Whole school assemblies are used to promote and enhance students’ understanding of equality and diversity.
The school promotes democratic processes, fostering the concept and application of freedom of speech and group action to address the needs and concerns. Through the election of School Council members to represent each form, students have many opportunities for their voices to be heard. The school council meets regularly to discuss issues raised in class. The school council is able to genuinely effect change within the school.
Displays around the school celebrate student differences, and the environment is a warm and welcoming place for all students. Expectations are extremely high for all pupils when it comes to respect and tolerance and students are expected to behave respectfully towards each other and staff at all times. Our behaviour policy is clear that no form of discrimination will be tolerated and that any discrimination against someone with a protected characteristic is against the law. Our Behaviour policy was developed partly with a view to ensuring and sustaining a welcoming environment for all students within it.
All students are also encouraged to make a positive contribution to the school and not just those who take on leadership roles. There are many different extra-curricular clubs that students can attend, These include Christian Union, LGBTQIA+, Green Initiative, Debate club and countless reading clubs.
For more information about how the school seeks to promote equality and diversity please contact the school office and a member of the school leadership team will be happy to provide further information. Our Equality and Diversity policy can be found in the policies section of the school website.